A strong thunder storm packing a lot of lightning sparked a fire in a barn on Cider Hill Rd. (Rt. 91). York Village and York Beach Fire Departments were dispatched shortly after the storm started. Because thunder storms usually bring multiple calls, a crew was established at the station for storm coverage. Squad 2 diverted from and earlier accident scene while Engine 4, Truck 8 and Tank 4 responded from the station, staffed heavily. Chief Balentine struck a 1st alarm while responding, followed by a 2nd alarm when he arrived on scene. Water supply was a concern as parts of Rt. 91 does not have hydrants. A dead-end hydrant happened to be located at the bottom of the driveway and Engine 4 was able to do a reverse lay from Squad 2 to the hydrant while Truck 8 made a set at the Alpha/Delta corner of the barn. A third alarm was struck to bring in more Tankers. Companies were able to protect the exposures and extinguish the fire while residents and neighbors rounded all of the animals in a safe area. Special thanks to Brian Starkey and Shawn St. Hillaire for the use of their photos.