11Jan 2004 Training Burn at Daisy Trading Co. by Nick Firefighters conducted a controlled burn at Daisy Trading Company. The owners were doing some renovating with some help from York Fire Dept.
08Nov 2003 Training burn on Roaring Rock Point Rd. by Nick Companies conduct a training burn on Roaring Rock Point Rd.
25Oct 2003 Early morning training burn in Kittery by Nick Engine 4 went to Kittery for an early morning training. The day was busy, with some of the York guys running a few calls with the Kittery boys.
01Feb 2003 Crews do some driver training at the high school by Nick Crews from Engine 3 and Engine 6 did some driver training at the high school.
01Feb 2003 Training Burn on Lindsay Rd. by Nick Companies conduct a training burn at the intersection of Lindsay Rd and Indian Trail. New drivers used the opportunity to do some pump training as well.
09Jan 2003 Haz-Mat Decon Training by Nick York Fire Dept. purchased a new Haz-Mat Decon Tent and companies will be spending the next few weeks training with it.
10Nov 2002 Companies go to Badgers Island in Kittery for a Training Burn by Nick Engine 6 and Rehab 1 go to Kittery for a training burn on Badgers Island.
08Dec 2001 Companies conduct controlled burns on a Saturday by Nick Companies conducted two controlled burns on a Saturday.