Today is a big day for us!! Today is the day that we change our status from volunteer firefighters to paid-on-call firefighters. This represents our first pay raise since 1916 when we organized ourselves as the “York Village and Corner ever ready volunteer fire department”.
Things have changed a lot since 1916, though our members are still highly motivated, and a highly dedicated group of people who love to help the community. We couldn’t have done this without your support, Thank You for always being supportive of us when we ask for things so that we may serve you better.
The call pay program will pay our firefighters a small stipend to respond to calls, the program is being administered town wide by both fire departments. It has become very expensive for firefighters to serve as volunteers, the rising cost of gas and the number of households with two working parents, and the ever increasing requirements to become a firefighter have decimated the ranks of the volunteer fire departments nationwide. We are hoping this initiative will assist us in recruiting quality help and retaining the exceptional members we already have.