Tonight at our regular Thursday night training. We incorporated our annual pump testing as required by Maine Department of Labor.  Engine 4, Engine 6, and Truck 8 were completed in just about 2 hours. Squad 2 has yet to be done but will be completed shortly.  The results are as follows: Engine 4 1500gpm pump: Tested at 1700gpm Engine 6 1250gpm pump: Tested at 1250gpm Truck 8 1750gpm pump: Tested at 1880gpm A big Thank You & Good Job to the members for their hard work in completing this required evolution.


Engine 6 drafts out of the porta-tank
during it’s evolution


Lieutenants Butler and Hilton confer
with Asst. Chief Marshall during the


Chief Balentine and Captain Balentine
“doing the math” during Truck 8’s pump
test which was an 1880 gallon per minute
record for the YFD during a drafting


Engine 6 gets ready to draft. Fire
apparatus are required to be pump tested
“at draft” as opposed to a pressurized
source such as a fire hydrant. Here we
are using a Portable 3000 gallon tank as
our “static” water source.

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