Companies were
toned out to respond to Pine Hill Road for a report of a structure fire. Engine 4 responded from the ER at York Hospital having just worked a cardiac arrest and went into the hospital with the crew from Ambulance 2 to assist with patient care. Tank 4 signed on a minute later. Engine 1 arrived first due as the fire was in the Beach district. They advised that they had a chimney fire with extension into the partition and that they would need the responding personnel to report in with air packs and tools. Engine 4 arrived and the chauffeur hand stretched a supply line between the two engines should a water supply need to be established. Crews stretched a dry 1 3/4″ line to the front door but most of the fire was able to be knocked down with a water can. Crews noted that it appeared to be a faulty fireplace and some possible fire extension into some void spaces so the decision was made to open up the fireplace to ensure the
fire didn’t rekindle or extend further.
York Beach Lt. Josh Gammon’s first fire since being promoted.