At the York Fire Department, we are proud of our volunteer heritage. Since 1916, the members of the York Fire Department have provided the Town of York with free firefighting and emergency medical services, saving the town Millions of dollars annually. Currently the town only pays for three paid positions, allowing one person to staff the station each day. These paid positions guarantees one person will be at the fire station 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, with current industry standards and the nature of the job, it is impossible to handle a fire emergency with just one person.
The firefighters on the York Fire Department are the only true volunteer firefighters in Southern Maine, meaning when the alarm sounds, the members who respond do NOT get paid. Their only compensation is self satisfaction that they did everything possible to help a resident, commuter or vacationer during the worst of times.
The volunteer firefighters are trained with the same qualifications as any career firefighter. State Department of Labor requires the members to obtain firefighting certificates in order to perform firefighting duties. At a minimum, our members are trained with Firefighter level 1 & Firefighter level 2 certificates, Hazardous Materials Operations level, Hazardous Materials DECON (decontamination) level. Emergency Vehicle Operations & Pumps 1. A good majority of our members also have EMT Basic or Advanced EMT licenses, and several are licenced Paramedics. On top of these certifications, other members routinely take outside classes to further their education and skills. Some members also have an Associates Degree in Fire Science Technology as well as Paramedicine.
Our members often pay out of pocket for training, equipment and transportation. The town pays for the basic firefighting turnout gear, consisting of Boots, Helmet, Gloves, Pants and Jacket. Any other equipment, such as personal hand tools, custom boots and helmets are paid for out of the member’s pockets.
We are proud to be doing what we do. We love the job, we love our town and our citizens and visitors.
We always encourage anyone who wants to become a member of the York Fire Department to stop by the York Village Fire Station to obtain a membership application.