Today another phase of the Hose load standardization project was completed with the delivery of 600′ of brand new 2 1/2″ hose. Over the years the apparatus at the York Village Fire Department has all been set up differently. This causes alot of confusion and does not make for efficient operations. Our aim is to make the apparatus as uniform as possible. with this new delivery of hose all apparatus have 600′ of 2 1/2″ in various combinations of “live” and “dead” loads. York Village Fire uses hose color to denote hose size and use:
Blue: 200′ 1 3/4″ crosslay (smoothbore nozzle)
Yellow: 200′ 1 3/4″ crosslay (fog nozzle)
Orange: 300′ 1 3/4″ rear apartment line (smoothbore)
front bumper trash lines all 100′ 1 3/4″ with fog nozzle
2 1/2″ HOSE
Red: all red 2 1/2″ is “DEAD” loaded (meaning it is not pre-connected to the rig and doesn’t have a nozzle on it)
White: all white 2 1/2″ is “LIVE” loaded meaning it IS pre-connected to the rig and does have a nozzle on it
(stacked tip smoothbore nozzles are on order so that EVERY rig will have the same nozzle for 2 1/2″ hose operations)

Squad 2 has 300′ “live” and 300′ “dead”
plus (2) 300′ orange apartment lines
with smoothbore nozzles and a minimum of
1000′ LDH