Members gathered at the firehouse at 0830 for several work details. One large project included removing the yellow lines from the apparatus bay floor which has been peeling for some time now, it looks pretty forlorn and was in need of attention, new lines will be painted with more durable paint as soon as the old ones are removed.  The second project which was tackled was to remove the shutters from the windows so that they could be painted and replaced. We utilized Truck 8’s aerial to access the upstairs windows, in typical York Village Fire fashion there was a great deal of horsing around and insults being thrown around all in the spirit of improving conditions at the place that is our “home away from home”


apparatus posed on the apron on a sunny
July morning


Asst. Chief Marshall and FF’s Marvin
Collins and Nick Hilton discuss their
next move


FF Dave Lorandeau utilizes the “creeper
controls” to move the aerial to where he
needed to access

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