“A series of fast-moving storms tearing through Maine have unleashed powerful winds that brought down trees and snapped power lines, leaving thousands of people without power, mainly in the York County.Officials at Central Maine Power say the storms have left at least 6,425 homes and businesses without power in York County on. Utility workers were working through the night to restore power, but some customers are expected to remain without power through Friday. Tom Hawley of the National Weather Service says several lines storms hit Eliot, Kittery, Biddeford and York towns. Officials did not immediately have detail on the strength of the storms, but metereologists in nearby Rochester, N.H., noted that one of the storms generated wind gusts of up to 61 mph as it tore towards Maine.”

York Village Fire crews have been at the station since the storm started, and have already answered between 30-40 calls and will continue answering calls throughout the night. A special thank you to the Kittery Fire Department Engine Co. 5 who assisted with two medical emergencies on the Rt. 103 side of town, as all roads leading to Rt. 103 from York Village were blocked by downed trees.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to stop by our station in York Village or call us at 363-1015.


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