The members of the water rescue team once again would go to work on the busy coastline of York Beach. Around 15:30 hours York Dispatch was notified by the Lifeguards that a surfer was in distress about 200 yards off the coast of long sands beach, the surfer who had been pulled out in the rip current and separated from his board was spotted by several people, while the Rescue Boats crew responded from the Town Docks, York Beach Rescue 1 responded to the beach to try and spot the surfer and guide the boat

to the right location. While en-route Rescue 1 would advise the Rescue Boat that a private vessel had been able to pull the young man from the water and get him on their boat. The Rescue Boat was able to make contact with the private vessel and EMS personal was able to board the vessel and check out the surfer. With no injuries to the surfer the Rescue Boat would return to service. An hour or so later yet another surfer was spotted in distress, this would again send out a page for the water rescue team. Rescue Boat 1 with 3 again would respond to almost the same location.

After searching the area with the assistance of the Harbor Master and his boat nothing was found and it was later learned that another surfer was able to pull the distressed surfer into shore with again thankfully no injury.


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