For the

second time this week, the brothers from York Village Fire fought the “Red Devil” This time it was only a training fire. York Village Firefighters have been given an acquired structure to burn down and in order to make the best use of this generous donation in the stringent timeframe we have been alotted to use it, we decided to conduct some Thursday night training evolutions with live fire. No fewer than six live burns were conducted within the structure for firefighters and students of the “Basic Fire School” alike. Each burn was lit with hay and pallets and only one fire was lit at a time in accordance with NFPA 1403 which is the standard for live burns in acquired structures. The firefighters and officers were able to get valuable training and experience and a larger burn that will take the structure to the ground will occur in early June. Special Thank You to Sue Buchannan for the use of her excellent photographs!

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